Thursday, December 31, 2009

This is the end.

As the decade draws to an end, I have decided to complete this blog's run as well. 640 or so posts is a lot of material. I think I've said enough at this URL.

No, I am not cowering to my detractors. Though they have criticized the content and premise of my blog with little or no original thought of their own, they are not the sole reason to end living in misery. I have probably posted longer than I intended just to spite them.

I will continue to blog elsewhere. Right now I am deciding which of my blogs are worth keeping and which should be digitally burned forever. Plus, I have an idea for a new blog that is more thoughtful and universal in it's message. A link will be posted here in a few days once it's up and running.

Thank you for reading, commenting, and participating in this little experiment. It's been fun. I love you all.

Leave any good byes, pleasant memories, or good riddance in the comments. I probably won't respond, but I'll read every one.



Anonymous said...

This is like the shock I got that day when Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett both died, with a little bit of the Billy Mays surprise two days later.

I'm looking forward to the new blog.


ATR said...

Onward and upward, my friend. We'll be seeing you on down the trail.

Go Ducks!

Anonymous said...


I will look forward to the new blog, but this feels like getting a new kitten when your other one got old and ugly... Mostly Bittersweet.

Jerry and Dena said...

Will miss these glimpses into your heart and soul. Have enjoyed reading about music, politics, and of course, Lu.

jmenter said...

It was a good run. See ya in the funny papers!

Anonymous said...

I just discovered LIM a few months ago, but I've been following it ever since, and I'll be sad to see it go. Thanks for all the great posts and your end-of-year/end-of-decade best-of list blowout. Can't wait to see the new blog...

Zach said...

You sir are an ass clown!

sarah said...

So much good stuff here...I'm awfully sorry to see it go. Thanks for lots of great reading & right-on music recommendations. I'm looking forward to the new blog. Hope to see it soon! xo

赖子 said...
