Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Busy Fatherhood, etc.

With fatherhood, work, H1N1 (so I think), and now family visiting, I have had no time to blog.

If you need to get that comoprozac fix, wander on over to Ill Composition for a discussion on "Dad Rock" whatever that is. We - meaning a bunch of dads (soon-to-be, present, and holders of yet-unused sperm) - discuss our visions of Dad Rock and how our relationships with our fathers and offspring relate to musical tastes and whatnot. The first post is a little long and wordy as it simply introduces all the participants to the masses. But I seem to remember some interesting commentary happened during this email conversation.

I will blog again. December is already filling up as I have many lists to share, many not my own. Stay tuned for that one.

I have some records that need listening and maybe even reviewing. I expect The Flaming Lips record will be good. I'm torn on the new Built to Spill effort and don't get Sufjan Stevens new release. There are a couple of other records in my possession and on the way that deserve some attention, but you may have to wait for the aforementioned lists to get my true impressions.

There's nothing else to say at this point until I get some stuff done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still owe you a list of albums. I haven't forgotten.